1- Copy the path to the folder 2- Open a cmd (DOS) prompt by typing cmd in the search box 3- click on “Command Prompt” (screenshot above) and type: Paste the folder name you copied in step one. Then Paste the folder name you copied in step one. Then It should look like this (pasted…
Category: Office and Web tools
Creating a QR code for multiple contacts
The task: Problems: Solution: BEGIN:VCARDVERSION:2.1ORG:Internal Security Forces (ISF)ADR:;;;;;;LebanonTEL:112EMAIL;INTERNET:isf@isf.gov.lbURL:https://www.isf.gov.lb/N:Lebanon;Police;;;FN:Police LebanonEND:VCARD where FN represents the “First Name”, Org the “Organization”, Tel the phone number, Cell the mobile, etc. BEGIN:VCARDVERSION:2.1N:;Emergency Numbers Lebanon;;;FN:Emergency Numbers LebanonTEL;ISF:112TEL;Red cross:140TEL;Civil Defense:125END:VCARD Special thanks to Aya Chamseddine for helping out with the concept!
Fresh Website 2023, LinkedIn and Instagram Badges
After almost 30 years in the business of web development and hosting, I finally terminated my last hosting server and moved my own WordPress blog to shared hosting. I decided to start the website from scratch, just copying the wp_posts table from the old server to the new one. I had to recreate some of…
MS Project and Visio handouts
cours visio 2016 en cours ms project 2
Visio Organization Chart Sample Data
Steps: Add two employees under Maya (customer relations) in Excel Add a “salary”, a recruitment year and a “seniority” column using =DATEDIF(F2,NOW(),”y”) Run the organization chart wizard in Visio Download Sample Data Here
Template Powerpoint – Projet de thèse
Modèle de présentation (template) Powerpoint du projet de thèse à l’école doctorale de l’Université Saint-Joseph à Beyrouth. Pour télécharger (download) utiliser le bouton droit de la souris puis “sauvegarder” ou “save as”: Projet de thèse Template NM
Converting VCF contacts to Excel or CSV
One VCF or several VCF? A VCF file can hold several contacts. So, you may have just one VCF for all your contacts (ideal) or one VCF for each contact. If this is the case, you need to merge all your contacts into one file. To do this, open your command prompt and use the…
Protected: MS Visio / MS Project Exam + Correction
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Indesign – Create your Poster – Exercice
1- Poster Design Recommendations: Berkeley (PDF) 2- Poster Design Templates: Illinois 3- Choose your colors: Adobe 4- Download Indesign Exercice 1 document files 5- Result: To do: 1- Lock Object 2- Create text frames 3- Place Method text 4- Create a Drop Cap > Window > Type & Tables > Paragraph Panel 5- Continue text…
Examen Blanc Project 2016
Télécharger la donnée ici: controle-grh-1 Attention: Dans l’exerice, remplacer l’année 2016 par l’année en cours ou l’année qui suit, et 2017 par l’année d’aprés Solution “step by step”: Télécharger la correction ici: correction-ex-blanc Quelques écrans du corrigé: