This is an MS Outlook 2013 code to insert an HTML file into an email. File can have CSS definitions and external links to photos.
1- Go to file -> Options.2- In the “Customize Ribbon” section, check “Developer” in the Customize the Ribbon / Main Tabs panel (right) – Click OK
3- Open the Developer tab in the Ribbon. Click on Macros, Macros, Type “InsertHTML” and Create
4- In the Microsoft VBA window, click on tools -> References and make sure Microsoft Office 15.0 Object Library and Microsoft Word 15.0 Object Library are both checked- press OK
5- Copy and paste the following code:
Sub InsertHTML()
Dim insp As Inspector
Set insp = ActiveInspector
If insp.IsWordMail Then
Dim wordDoc As Word.Document
Set wordDoc = insp.WordEditor
Dim FileToOpen As String
FileToOpen = InputBox(“filename?”)
wordDoc.Application.Selection.InsertFile FileToOpen, , False, False, False
End If
End Sub
6- Save and close the Microsoft VBA editor
7- In the main menu, click on the developer tab in the ribbon, click on “Macro Security”. Select “Notification for all Macros”.8- Open a new message. Place the cursor in the empty message, go to Developer, click on Macro and select the Project1.InsertHTML macro.
9- When prompted enter the HTML file to import location.