Author: N.A.M.
Exercice MS Project 2 + Correction
Exercice On veut organiser une rencontre à partir du 10 Juin 2016. L’équipe chargée des préparatifs est formée des personnes suivantes : 3 administrateurs (A1, A2 et A3) à $50/heure 2 ouvriers (O1 et O2) à $15/jour Les étapes sont les suivantes : [table id=1 /] Questions (répondre dans les notes de la dernière tâche) :…
Excel Advanced – Exercice 1
Convert to table – rename TBLOrders Calculate Sales = @orderquantity x @unitprice Calculate productstotals = @sales * (1-@discount) AfterShipping = products total + shipping cost use Floor and Ceiling formulas Go to tax sheet –> change color sheet to red Convert to table TBLTax Vlookup (@province, TBLTax, 2, False) TTC = after shippint * (1+tax)…
Audacity Exercice Files and Link to Tutorials
Tutorials: Audacity, mode d’emploi (other link) Official Tutorials Podcasters tutorial (videos) Podcaster tutorial (PDF) Exercice: Open Audio File Play (use the selection tool) Zoom in and out Use the shift tool Use the envelope tool Select and Delete (delete key on Keyboard) or “cut” from the toolbar Select, Edit > Clip Boundaries > Split…
Simple Photoshop Displacement
Open Wall Duplicate wall as new “displacement” document Gaussian blur the displacement (try 2 pixels) Distort and displace the flag (7×7 with repeat edge) Reduce opacity to 60% Make a copy of the wall Select the black color in the openings in the wall and turn it into a mask Displacement files
Photoshop Blend Modes
Groups of blend modes: Normal: Normal Dissolve: treats transparency as a pixel pattern and applies a diffusion dither pattern Darken: Darken: If the pixels of the selected layer are darker than the ones on the layers below, they are kept in the image. Multiply (commonly used): Works by multiplying the luminance levels of the current…
Twitter double authentication and security via SMS
A few months ago, I posted two tutorials about login approvals via SMS on Facebook and two-step verification on Google. In this walk through, you will find the steps required to do the same on Twitter. Once these steps are performed, a secret numeric code will be sent to your phone by text message (SMS)…
Targeting cities or regions in Lebanon with Facebook ads
Until recently, it was impossible to target organically regions or areas in Lebanon with Facebook ads. This feature is now available. In the screenshots below, I describe the new option and the one I was using and that I still use for political marketing (voters and users can use the Internet from work or home,…
Targeting the competition on Facebook
Choosing the right target population for your ads is at the heart of any good marketing strategy, especially viral marketing and influence marketing strategies. One Facebook advertising feature that very few community managers are aware of is the fact that you can target your competitors fans. This strategy can be used either to “convert” the…
Facebook Photoshop Page Cover Template with Mobile Safe Area
This is an update for my earlier post Facebook Photoshop Templates. I have created a new Adobe Photoshop Facebook Cover Template with an option to check how it will look on mobiles. The layers are described here: Click on the photo to download the PSD in ZIP format: or click on this link