Third training session about Twitter discussion analysis at the Knowledge to Policy (#K2Pcenter) Center of the American University of Beirut. Social Graph visualization using NodeXL. Thanks for all those who joined the #k2pworkshop discussion.
Author: N.A.M.
Facebook Cover Template with Mobile Safe Area (2017, Photoshop)
This is the new Photoshop template for Facebook page covers. It helps create compatible layouts for both Retina Display devices and mobile devices. Usage is fairly simple. The initial display is self explanatory: the purple area is the part of the cover that will be visible on mobile. The full frame will appear on desktops….
Google+ and YouTube Icon Photoshop Template
Instructions: google-profile-photo-template
Facebook Graph: See if a person liked your posts
A quick tip to get the lists of posts (yours or someone else’s) a friend (or Facebook user) has liked: In the Facebook search bar, type: Posts by [your name] [Facebook user] likes
Indesign – Create your Poster – Exercice
1- Poster Design Recommendations: Berkeley (PDF) 2- Poster Design Templates: Illinois 3- Choose your colors: Adobe 4- Download Indesign Exercice 1 document files 5- Result: To do: 1- Lock Object 2- Create text frames 3- Place Method text 4- Create a Drop Cap > Window > Type & Tables > Paragraph Panel 5- Continue text…
Sample NodeXL Twitter Graphs (to do)
Top retweeters of Wiam Wahhab by number of followers download NodeXL data for @wiamwahhab – 20162602 Twitter search for ???????? ????? NodeXL data for ?????? ?????20160226-search NodeXL Graph for ???? ?????? NodeXL data for ???? ?????? 20160202
Types of Twitter Conversations
Read the full articles of Marc A. Smith, Lee Rainie, Ben Shneiderman and Itai Himelboim here and here. Images from the articles and from the NodeXL Graph Library: Polarized Crowd
Centrality in Social Networks
A NodeXL example that shows the difference between Betweenness Centrality (at the center of the graph. Has control over the flow of information), Closeness Centrality (closeness to all conversations) and Eigenvector + Page Rank Centrality (the centrality of the people I’m connected to matters) Download here: NodeXL_Centrality (Excel file)
Examen Blanc Project 2016
Télécharger la donnée ici: controle-grh-1 Attention: Dans l’exerice, remplacer l’année 2016 par l’année en cours ou l’année qui suit, et 2017 par l’année d’aprés Solution “step by step”: Télécharger la correction ici: correction-ex-blanc Quelques écrans du corrigé:
Exercice MS Project – 2016/11
Quatre amis, Chris, Nagi, Hani et Joe, décident de lancer une application mobile sur le marché. Ils se proposent de commencer le 1er Décembre 2016. Le tarif horaire des 4 partenaires est le suivant: Chris: $100/heure Nagi: $100/heure Hani: $75/heure Joe: $50/heure Analyse et Réflexion: Cahier de charge, Chris, 4 jours. Schéma de l’application, suit…