Steps: Add two employees under Maya (customer relations) in Excel Add a “salary”, a recruitment year and a “seniority” column using =DATEDIF(F2,NOW(),”y”) Run the organization chart wizard in Visio Download Sample Data Here
Month: September 2018
Showing Bridging Nodes Only in NodeXL
Bridges (edges) and bridging nodes (vertices) in a network are essential in connecting cliques, moderating the debate and introducing new ideas and innovations and filling structural holes in a network (ref. Ronald S. Burt). When you separate vertices in groups in NodeXL (figure), several columns are added to your “edges” sheet, mainly “Vertex 1…
Template Powerpoint – Projet de thèse
Modèle de présentation (template) Powerpoint du projet de thèse à l’école doctorale de l’Université Saint-Joseph à Beyrouth. Pour télécharger (download) utiliser le bouton droit de la souris puis “sauvegarder” ou “save as”: Projet de thèse Template NM